Photos Library Showing Blank Thumbnails or Having Other Issues? Try This Trick to Repair It

The Photos app is usually a solid performer, but it does rely on a database behind the scenes, and corruption is a possibility. If you find that your Photos library is showing blank thumbnails or otherwise acting oddly, see if the Photos Repair Library tool can fix it. First, if Photos is open, quit [...]

By |2022-09-01T23:21:38-04:00September 6th, 2022|Mac Tips|Comments Off on Photos Library Showing Blank Thumbnails or Having Other Issues? Try This Trick to Repair It

Want to Send Photo Cards? Try Building Them with Motif for Photos

In 2018, Apple dropped support for creating print projects from within Photos, including greeting cards, calendars, and books. Instead, Apple allowed other print-service companies to build Photos Project extensions that gave users the same sort of capabilities. At first, they didn’t match up with what Apple had previously provided, but they’ve improved over time. [...]

By |2020-12-23T16:04:46-04:00January 8th, 2021|Mac Tips|Comments Off on Want to Send Photo Cards? Try Building Them with Motif for Photos

How to Find the Snaps You Want in the Mac’s Photos App

Digital cameras have been around long enough that people have stopped making snarky comments about how hard it is to find anything in a shoebox filled with hundreds of unorganized photos. But given the tens of thousands of photos many of us now have, it’s hard to be smug about the ease of finding [...]

By |2020-02-10T14:27:58-04:00February 7th, 2020|Mac Tips|Comments Off on How to Find the Snaps You Want in the Mac’s Photos App

Is Your Photos Library Too Big? Here’s How to Move It to an External Hard Drive

SSDs are essential for ensuring optimal performance on a Mac, but because they’re expensive, many people don’t have as much built-in storage space as they would like. If your Photos library has grown to the point where your SSD is nearly full, it might be time to think about offloading it to an external [...]

By |2019-04-02T19:34:38-04:00April 12th, 2019|Mac Tips|Comments Off on Is Your Photos Library Too Big? Here’s How to Move It to an External Hard Drive
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