

On December 15, Sonos and Apple Music will finally play together. With Apple Music on Sonos, the songs you love wake you in the morning. Surround you all day. And fill every moment under your roof with more magic.

In order to get Apple Music on your Sonos, you will need to take part in the Sonos Beta program, to join the beta program, follow the instructions below.

Just know–beta isn’t the final product. It’s a preview. A really solid one. Most features are working perfectly, a few are still being dialed in. And with your input, Sonos will keep improving on it–making slight changes here and there–while you’re testing it out.

How to join the beta program:
Open the Sonos app
Tap “Settings” then “Advanced Settings”
Tap “Beta Program”
Tap “Join the Beta Program”
After you’ve joined the beta, you’ll be prompted to update on December 15 when Apple Music is available.