Computers are great at multi-tasking but sometimes it’s easy to lose track of the live windows when you get busy. You can now have two programs open at the same time in the equivalent of full-screen view.

Each one is assigned half the display though you are free to adjust the relative proportions of the windows. Windows had something similar to this some time ago but this is a better-implemented version. Simply click and hold one window by the green full-screen button of the three (red, amber and green) that sit at the top left of each window, and its shape will change to show it’s ready to be snapped. Drag it to the top of the screen and it’ll drop down on the left half. Then click on another program and it’ll automatically inflate to fill the other half of the screen. Both are live and accessible.

Had enough? Click the full-screen button again and they’ll turn back into separate windows again. (